sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

Technology based courseware

In this chapter, it is mentioned other technological tools like CR-ROMs, DVDs, Computer based testing, Electronic portafolios and Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) with their features, advantages and dowsizings, as well as tips to use them in English teaching lessons.
CD-ROMs have replaced the floppy disks. They have storage which lead them to have multimedia files to use texts, images, audio, and videos. These materials are very useful in English teaching for listening to audio (music and songs), grammar practice activities, and reading materials for learners.
DVDs have more variety of storage of data than CDs. You can see video materials like movies, sketches, and adds through a beamer and a computer or by using a DVD player.
The advantage of using CDs and DVDs is that they can be use offline.
These two materials give variety to the lessons and students can take advantages of them by listening to a short dialogue, listening and watching a movie, paying attention to the script, learn more vocabulary, idioms, and trying to understand the social context of the characters.
After watching the video, the teacher can promote groups discussions about the plot, learn new vocabulary, and give comments about the movie. In order to have success, teachers should consider the learners´needs, interests, language level, and the purposes of the English program. Short sessions for using audio and video are recommended (no more than 30 minutes) during the lessons.
Computer based testing is useful to make a diagnostic at the beginning of a course and to evaluate the student´s progress while he or she is taking an online course.
The advantages of computer based testing are: flexible in location, results are obtained more quickly, the long-term costs are considerably lower than those for face-to-face examing.
The downsizings are: the initial investment costs tend to be high and ensuring reliability in the marking of extended pieces of writing and in assessing speaking.
For example: in e learning programs like Discovery or Global English, there are two Computer based tests, one is applied at the beginning of the course for diagnosis and another test is done at the end of the course for measuring the student´s progress.
The TOIC is a test which is a computer based test. The purpose is to measure the student´s performance in the four basic language skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking).
I used the Discoveries and the Global English tests and I did a practice similar to the TOIC test at the end of the Global English course, which was very interesting, and it had some hard parts, specially in reading comprehension where you had to scan quickly the reading in order to get the information needed and then understand some listenings tracks.
The Electronic portafolio is another useful tool for teachers to know better their students and this resource gives a wider perspective about the students´ learning progress beyond the grades obtained through tests and reports. This tool can give the opportunity to show students creativity, motivation, skills, and initiative. If teachers want to obtain success by using e portafolios, then they have to consider students´needs, interests, and the objectives for designing a portafolio.
Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) are very innovative but expensive.
Teachers can use Power point presentations and Word documents with IWBs.
These resources are useful to have presentations. Teachers can use an electronic pen to point over IWB, write on the images on the screen, highlight words, use fonts and styles.
According to evidence these resources can directly affect learners´motivation and attention levels, so teachers should try that the lesson not be teacher centered and avoid the students remain passive.
In Costa Rica, I think there are no schools neither highschools with interactive whiteboards.
We have to wait more time to get this technology.
Teachers should use the resources they have and use the technology devices the school can give them as well for planning interactive, innovative, and interesting lessons.

1 comentario:

  1. In the textbook, you can find one free software package for creating an ePortafolio. It is Elgg (http://elgg.org/), this link has a blog and wiki integrated and provides features for podcasting.
    I have not used this tool in my teaching tasks yet, but I will consider to design one for collecting different types of materials that will help me with the lessons planning, provide variety, and other activities to my students.
