sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010

Using webquests

As it was discused in the third workshop, the webquest has a specific structure, so it is more rigid than designing a web project.
In first place, for the web project students can choose the topic they want to search. It is necessary for them to narrow the topic, this means that they have to be very specific about the topic they want to study and it would be easier for them if they investigate about a topic they know. Technniques like brainstorming, mind maps, clustering, and using trees are useful for organizing some details about the topic and focused in which aspects they need to go deeper.
The search engines like google, yahoo, and altavista are some of the most common web tools for looking some information. Morover, students can show creativity when presenting the web project: they can use word processor or power point slides to put the text, the letter size, images, colors, movement, and sounds to make it more attractive. Finally, the teacher can evaluate the web projects by oral presentations. This activity can be done in the classroom if the facilities like the access to a computer lab is possible or planned for homework.

1 comentario:

  1. Another project that requires the internet is the webquest.
    The webquests can be created by the teachers or the students. There are two types of webquests: the short-term webquests and the long term webquests. For me, the most challenging and complex type of webquest is the long term because the students need to analyse the information, process it, and use this information to create something else like a survey, an interview, a report or a presentation. Finally, it takes more time for research than the short term webquest.

    Besides, the teacher needs more time for designing and planning the webquests activities than proposing a web project or just giving some websites.

    The webquests should be very atractive in format and content, easy to use, show accurate and pertinent information,and give different activities and the self evaluation. Critic evaluation and how the application is given are two points to consider when using webquests.

    This tool can work for students who are from fourth to sixth grade in elementary school or for high school students.
