sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

The Use of Technology in the classroom

Today, I am going to explain the importance of technology in the classroom, some problems that teachers have to face in EFL teaching, attitudes to technonolgy, and strategies that teachers can apply in order to overcome fears, limitations and problems of implementing technology in the classrooms.
Technology has become one of the most important tools in different activities, like in administrative jobs, finances, scientific researchs, business, and in education. Technology in education provides many benefits to the teachers and learners as well. For example, according to the textbook (Dudeney& Hockly, 2007,pg. 7-8) Internet access is becoming increasingly available and mobile, young learners are growing and getting exposed to different technology devices, internet allows to contact and communicate with people of different geographical and disperse regions, these tools can give learners the opportunity to practice English in all the four main skills (speaking, listening, writing, and reading) and technology presents new tasks and materials.
In an article written by Carlos A. Mayora (2006, pg.15) called "Integrating Multimedia Technology in a High School EFL Program", he mentions some factors that contribute to the lack of success with EFL in high schools in Venezuela and in many other countries like:
1. Insufficient time for instruction.
2. Overcrowded classrooms.
3. Mixed-ability classes.
4. Low salaries for teachers.
5. Use of untrained English teachers.
In the article "Integrating multimedia technology", Mayora (2006, pg. 15-16) refers to some advantages of using multimedia in the classroom like:
1. Allows students to work individually at a computer station, at their own pace, amd according to their own needs.
2. Helps teachers to deal more effectively with a large group of students.
3. Makes the introduction and presentation of content more dynamic and attractive for students.
4. Increases student motivation due to the interactive nature of activities.
5. Promotes a task-based approach to learning.
6. Allows students to experience real-life and communicatively meaningful language situations and contexts.
7. Introduces a variety of print, audio, and visual materials that match different student learning styles and preferences.
In the textbook (Dudeney & Hockley, 2007, pg.8-9) , there are four important concepts related to the attitudes of technology. A technophobe is someone who is afraid of new technology. On the other hand, a digital native is someone who grows up using technology and feels comfortable and confident with it.
A digital immigrant is a person who has come late to the world of technology.
A technogeek is a technology enthusiast and the opposite is the technophobe.
Mayora explains that "it is important to change teachers´attitudes toward technology. This is the biggest step in the direction of TELL. He says teachers can begin little by little, such as transitioning from audiocassettes to CDs and then moving gradually toward videocasettes and DVDs. Talk to school administrators and headmasters and generate interest in investing in a small multimedia area with two or three computers." (Mayora, 2006, pg.19-20)
Besides, Mayora emphasizes "whatever you use it for in the classroom, it is not going to do the job for you. You will still have a great responsability as a conscientious materials developer and adviser to develop the multimedia activities and to train students in their proper use." (Mayora, 2006, pg. 20)
Finally, Mayora concludes that "...technology use in language instruction must be based on sound pedagogical and theoretical principles, and that both teachers and technology are part of an interrelated system." (Mayora, 2006, pg.20)
Taken from:
Mayora, C.A. "Integrating Multimedia Technology in a High School EFL Program", 2006
English teaching Forum, Volume 44, Number 3, pages 14-20
Dudeney, G. & Hockly, N. "How to teach English with technology" Pearson Education limited, Malaysia, 2007.

1 comentario:

  1. I have to say that for the outcoming most of the new technological devices, I am a digital immigrant, but after learning useful information about the use of technology in the classroom, I do not have technophobia because most of the tools that I have been using throughout this course are very practical and easy to use.
    So, Everybody with paience, motivation and training are able to learn and apply these tools and give a responsible use in the teaching-learning process.
